Out products span many different unrelated industries and so where possible we prefer to have sales representatives with specific expertise in certain industries. All the representatives listed below have access to sample products and will be happy to give you a demonstration.
Luster-On distributes metal finishing chemistries and plating equipment in the midwest. Les Gonzalves Chicago, IL lgonsalves@luster-on.com 773-368-4932
Electroplating Consultants is known for their expertise in metal finishing chemistries Bob Eschman 918-455-4411 Jeff Guernsey cell 918-630-5228 Broken Arrow, OK
FLUID SOLUTIONS is a Distributor of plating equipment in southern CA and Mexico. Headquartered in San Diego, CA with an office in Mexico. (Irapuato, GTO) and Canada.
Master distributor of several pump brands and plating equipment in the North East. Specializing in the plating industry including custom tank fabrication. (800) 370-0439
JPS Technologies distributes a full line of equipment for plating & printed circuits, since 1970. Cinncinnatti OH (513) 984-6400
Alert Sales has been supplying world class products to the metal finishing and aerospace industries since 1987. We provide chemistry, equipment, and service, not just a product in a drum.
Rainwater tanks, supplies, and systems. 200 Chuckwagon Trail, Willow Park, TX 877-331-7008
Fluid Solutions International represents our equipment in Quebec & Canada.
Produits et services pour votre industrie Systmes de controle Systemes do pompage Tuyaux et raccords Vannes et actionnuers
Elizabeth Torija 514-241-4969
Design Plastic Systems continued focus has been to be the best fiberglass and plastic distributor in the Mid-Atlantic Region. 610-666-0940
Nationwide distributor of process instruments.
Instrumart.com 800-884-4967
DMS Components provides products for use in the injection molding and die casting industries. Oldcastle, ON 800-265-4885
General process equipment. Background in electroplating.
Roberto Muniz Rob@luneindustries.io
C.A. Briggs is known for process controls on the east coast. Warminster PA 267-673-6117