HIGH LEVEL DRUM ALARM with flashing LED and a loud buzzer prevents overfilling.

High Drum level alarm with suction pipe
Drum Alarm high level

A Better Overfill Alarm…

  • Locate it anywhere because its battery powered. No need for power outlets.
  • Uninterruptible battery power lasts for years. Lithium battery included.
  • Loud warbling tone cuts through the loudest industrial noise.
  • Rugged. Built for rough, wet and corrosive environments.
  • Float switch is protected inside a tube.
  • Transferring the high level drum alarm to a new drum is easy: no need to fiddle around with tube connections. Just lift off the drum.
  • Always working because the liquid suction tube is permanently attached to the alarm unit.
  • Checking the operation is simple just lift the Drum Alarm out of the drum.
  • No wetted metal parts.
High level drum alarm lets you pump into chemical drums without overfilling. 

When liquid level in a drum rises above the float switch, a loud buzzer sounds and an LED flashes to let you know.

Its easy to install the high level drum alarm. First install the battery. Then simply drop it into a drum and you’re ready to go!  There is no wiring and it can be located anywhere that is convenient.. Lets you forget about overfilling for good.


These high level drum alarms can be adapted to any drum thread. Among these options are a slip-on lid which is the fastest and easiest option. The lid simply slips over the bung, regardless of its size, This lid makes it easy on the operator to switch to a new drum when the old one is full.  In addition, the cap shields the bung opening from debris, and it suppresses noxious vapors – even liquid ammonia.

Another option is threaded mounts, either 2 inch NPS or Buttress thread.  Discussion of drum plug types.

Drum Mounting ¾ inchFinally, there is the 3/4″ drum mount as with our model DHK. This allows very quick easy adjustment of the level from the maximum of 7″ depth to as little as 2″ below the bung.


For systems with automatic filling, the high level Drum Alarms come with an attached feeding tube.  The fact that the liquid feed tube is inseparable from the float switch guarantees that the alarm stays with the feed pipe so an operator cannot forget it. Your pump tubing is secured to the feed pipe with a polypropylene compression fitting. Models with this feature are the DHA-PF, DHB-PF and DHP-PF.

The float switch is protected inside a rigid pipe so it can get knocked around without worry. This  feature is unique to the Gizmo Engineering high level drum alarm.

Another useful feature is the easily adjustable depth on all models with no tools required. This is done by loosening the thumb knob and sliding the pipe to the desired depth.

Uninterruptible battery powerBattery power works through power failures, because it can’t come unplugged. And, because the Drum Alarms don’t use any power until alarming, the batteries last for years. Nevertheless a battery test button is included on all models anyway.
battery power discussion

Finally, there is an option to silence the buzzer for 30 minutes. We add a circuit board to temporarily shut off the buzzer.  This option also includes a low battery alert.


Polypropylene is the standard material because it is suitable for any chemical that comes in a plastic drum. (it has generally superior chemical resistance than the polyethylene that drums are made from) In addition, it has very good toughness.  Even so, there are extreme applications that may require our PVDF and stainless steel high level drum alarms.

Built for tough industrial environments. Waterproof, acid -proof, PVC housing, with Lexan LED lens, stainless steel buzzer diaphragm. No matter what your environment, these are guaranteed against all hazards for one year.


There are different models of high level drum alarms as follows: one model for manual filling which has no feeding tube. (this is the DHK-PP)  In addition, there are three models for automatic feeding systems that incorporate a feeding tube.  This feeding tube connects to your pump tubing with a polypropylene compression fitting.

Regardless of which model, all high level drum alarms have an adjustable working depth from their maximum to as little as 2 inches.

Alarms without feed pipe have only one pipe and so they can fit in the ¾” bung.  The depth can be adjusted from 2″ to 7″ working depth.  These are the models DHK-PP (polypropylene) or DHK-KK. (Kynar)

Models with a liquid feed pipe have two pipes. One of these is the liquid feed tube, and the other pipe contains the float switch.  Since there are two pipes they require the space of a 2″ bung. 


  • DHA has a slip-on cap that is quick and easy to transfer from drum to drum. Depth is adjustable with a thumbscrew from 2-5 inches. The liquid feed pipe is welded to the float pipe so it can’t be forgotten.
  • DHP has a threaded drum plug mount. 2″ NPS thread. Working depth is adjustable from 2-7 inches using a thumbscrew. Liquid feed pipe is removable to allow the drum plug to unscrewed without winding the liquid tubing. info on drum plug types
  • DHB is the same as DHP but has a 2″ Buttress thread.
  • PVDF (Kynar) models by request.


High Level Drum Alarm
High Level Drum Alarm

Order Here


2 inch bung. With liquid feed pipe.

Tubing Connection Size
POLYPROPYLENELiquid Level alarm for drum

Fits in 3/4″ bung. No liquid feed pipe.



Silencing Button/Low Battery Alert

The Drumalarm already comes with a Button that tests the unit: this option adds a circuit that allows an operator to silence the buzzer while LED continues to flash. Resets automatically. Includes a low battery warning. (not needed if ordering RL-AC)

[SL1] $45

Wireless Tank alarmWireless Transmitter & Receiver

Wireless transmitter is put inside the level alarm which sends a wireless signal to the receiver. Buzzer is in the receiver instead of at the tank.  A 10A relay is available in the receiver.
 more info
[W2] $275

WIFI communication.WiFi module

Sends a message to your email or text message to your phone. Easy setup. No recurring fees. More info.

[WF-1]     $185  

Liquid level alarm with power cordAC Power Cord

When plug-in AC power is preferred. Comes with 3-prong plug and 8-foot rubber-jacketed cord. Power convertor inside box.
[AC-NA]  $59

Relay Output with Cord

Switches a relay to control pumps or solenoids etc. Silences & tests alarm. Piggyback plug makes hookup easy. Instructions here
[RLY-AC] $107

PLC Output

A circuit board allows you to select N.C. or N.O. relay output to your PLC. Input 24VDC from your PLC, dry contact output. For other voltages or outputs please contact us. Includes silence feature for the buzzer. Includes 10ft of communications cable. more info  
[RLY-PLC] $84

Extra cable

Extra cable length over the standard length of 10 feet that’s included. Heavy 0.032″ jacket for superior durability. Four stranded conductors x 24 gage.
[C4] $1.28/ft

Different Buzzer Tones

Different buzzer tones to audibly identify different units. Hear the different tone types here. [BZ-xx]     $18  

Tone Type
Buzzer Volume Control

Sometimes our buzzers are too loud.  Snap-on “muffler” reduces the volume by 20 db and anywhere in between just by rotating the slots. [V-1]     $6

Accessories - Beacon-colors.jpgAlternate Color LED

Default color is red. Amber, Blue, green, and white are options.   [BL-x]    $11
