Turns any contact open or contact close into a loud alarm with strobing LED.

Battery powered alarm box with relay

Alarm Box Features

  • Flashing beacon light is visible in daylight.
  • Loud warbling tone cuts through the loudest industrial noise.
  • Waterproof. IP65 enclosure is built for rough, wet and corrosive environments.
  • Always on duty because it uses uninterruptible battery power.
  • Safe. 9 volt circuit in a waterproof (NEMA 4X) box.

  • Long battery duty – can alarm for a month straight!

  • Push button tests the circuit – tests the circuit when not alarming.


The AB-5 version of our alarm box will sound an alarm when there is a contact close or open. It is similar to our AB-1 but has more flexibility.  (for more detail on this see the Comparison of Models section)

Rugged waterproof box with ingress rating of IP65. 

It boasts an extremely long battery life: if the alarm is not acknowledged after an hour it goes into a “power conserving” mode which limits the alarm to a duration of 6 seconds, every 30 seconds.  Enough to let people in the area know there is an alarm without wasting battery power.  This behavior allows it to continuously alarm for almost a month! For remote locations this is a great feature.

There is a low battery alert which has a staccatto buzzer output so it can be easily distinguished from the other alarms.


There are some choices of the behaviors such as:

  • Immediate relay output, or delayed 15 minutes
  • Relay N.O. or N.C.
  • Auto or manual reset of the alarm and relay, when level corrected.
  • Pushbutton can reset everything (good for tank filling)  Otherwise pushbutton simply silences the buzzer.
  • Snooze alarm.
Alarm box with liquid level probe


The AB-5 alarm box performs a similar function as our AB-1 model which is also battery powered, but in addition the AB-5 offers:

  • Relay output. (N.O or N.C. can be selected)
  • 15 min. relay delay can be selected. 
  • Up to three independent inputs.
  • Battery conservation.

In addition, the larger enclosureWiFi module of the AB-5 allows physical space in the enclosure for options such  WiFi texting and emailing, or simple on-premises wireless communication. 

For Hazardous Locations we have a battery-powered Intrinsically Safe version model IS-AB which is almost identical except for some different circuit board components and testing.  The certification requirements do not permit options like WiFi calling however.

If AC power is preferred, then the AB-3R  is similar but has a 15A relay.


AB-5Battery powered alarm box with relay

Battery powered alarm box. Includes lithium battery.



Float Switch Level ProbeFloat Switch Level Probe – polypropylene

Float switch mounted in rigid polypropylene pipe.   1 inch NPT compression mounting.  10ft cable connected to alarm box.   go to level probe page

Working Depth
Float Orientation
PVDF level probeFloat Switch Level Probe – Kynar

PTFE float switch mounted in rigid Kynar pipe.   1 inch NPT compression mounting.  10ft cable connected to alarm box.   go to level probe page

Working Depth
Float Orientation
Buzzer Volume Control

Sometimes our buzzers are too loud.  Snap-on “muffler” reduces the volume by 20 db and anywhere in between just by rotating the slots. [V-1]     $6

WIFI communication.WiFi module

Sends a message to your email or text message to your phone. Easy setup. No recurring fees. More info.

[WF-1]     $185  

Circular Connector

This connector makes it easy to disconnect the cable, and Also makes it easy to snake through tight places when installing.
[CN-2]   $46.00

Extra cable

Extra cable length over the standard length of 10 feet that’s included. Heavy 0.032″ jacket for superior durability. Four stranded conductors x 24 gage.
[C4] $1.28/ft