RINSE TANK TIMER automatically flushes plating rinses.

rinse tank timer


A Better Rinse Tank Timer…

  • Loud warbling alarm easily pierces through the loudest loud industrial plant noise.
  • Waterproof. All parts are NEMA 4X rated. Built for rugged industrial service.
  • Relay output 10A will control 1/2 HP motors, solenoids, heaters.
  • Time is easily adjustable.
  • Compact -only 4×4 inches.

The function of this timer is to allow the relay output to activate for a period after the countdown is complete.  When connected to a solenoid valve or pump it can maintain the purity or cleanliness of plating tanks or rinses.  For example, in an electroless nickel tank, you could choose to activate a pump to dose in chemicals for a few minutes after the end of the plating cycle.  This will keep the chemistry in much better balance.  Its not a substitute for lab analysis, or automatic analyzers, but it will keep the concentrations much closer to the target. 

When used with rinse tanks, a solenoid valve can introduce fresh water to flush the tanks after the work has exited the tank.  The flushing time can be any time you like – different from the dwell time.  The relay can activate only after the dwell, or during and after the dwell.

The T2 has been replaced by the T5, T6 and T7 timer which all have this same function, and offer a digital display.  For more information please see our pages for the T5, T6, or T7 timers.

Not Available to Order

This is a legacy product and not available. This timer is superseded by the T5 and T6 timers which have this same function.